Exercise of DFT/OpenMX at the IPS2024 Workshop, May 31, 2024
- e-mail: ishii@cphys.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
最終更新時間:2024年05月29日 09時52分22秒
Practice Content
- ―――Preparation for Lecture (Software Installation)―――
We will use a band calculation program called OpenMX in this exercise session.
Please refer to the manual below.
Other Resources
- OpenMX viewer
- VESTA (crystal structure visualization software, cif, xyz, etc.)
- XCrysDen
- Fermi Surface Database (University of Florida, Tight-binding approximation)
- OpenMX Pseudopotentials and Pseudoatomic Orbital Database
- Crystal Structure Database
- Lattice Constants of Elements in the Periodic Table
- Reference Files (Examples of inputs for substances inquired about)
Practice 1, Molecules
- Installation
- Copy the example input files
cp /usr/share/openmx/work .
- Operation Check
- Calculate the water (H2O) molecule
cd work
openmx H2O.dat
- Visualize the water molecule
After the calculation is complete, visualize h2o.md with xcrysden.
xcrysden --xyz h2o.md&
- H2 Molecule
- Copy H2O.dat to H2.dat
cp H2O.dat H2.dat
- Edit H2.dat with emacs or another editor
- 1. Change System.Name from h2o to h2
- 2. Change Species.Number from 2 to 1 and delete the line for oxygen (O)
(lines between <Definition.of.Atomic.Species and Definition.of.Atomic.Species>)
- 3. Change H7.0-s2p1 to H7.0-s1
- 4. Change Atoms.Number from 3 to 2
- 5. Delete the lines for oxygen O coordinates and electron numbers between <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates and Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates> and change the previous sequence numbers of the hydrogen molecule from 2, 3 to 1, 2
- 6. Visualize h2.md with xcrysden
xcrysden --xyz h2.md&
- 7. Edit files with # attached to H2.dat and confirm that atomic positions have changed
- 8. Edit H2.dat# and change MD.Type from EF to Nomd
- 9. Perform the OpenMX calculation again with H2O.dat#
openmx H2O.dat#
- 10. After the calculation is complete, open h2.out and search for Chemi. Confirm that the energy levels (Eigenvalues) are displayed under the second Chemical potential
- 11. Visualize h2.tden.cube with xcrysden
Total Energy Dependence on Interatomic Distance for H2 Molecule
MD.type EF
in H2.dat to
MD.type Nomd
Practice 2, Solids
- Diamond
openmx cdia.dat
- Band Diagram
bandgnu13 cdia.Band
Start gnuplot and load 'cdia.GNUBAND' to draw the band diagram.
- Density of States
DosMain *.val *.vec
Plot cdia.Dos.Tetrahedron with gnuplot.
- Calculation of GaAs, etc.
Practice 3, Volume Optimization
- EvsLC, Alfcc (example files)
MateriApps Live
In the practice, we will use MateriAppsLive!
which is a Linux OS pre-installed with computational materials science applications.
Please prepare the following before the lecture date.
Follow the instructions in "Using MateriApps LIVE! on VirtualBox"
to install it on your PC's VirtualBox.
Download the latest ova as of 2021/10/22 (2.57GB, so it will take time). Download MateriAppsLive-3.3-amd64.ova from the link below.
Refer to the following slides for guidance.
Also, perform the operation check with the slides below.
(Even if you cannot do it in advance, we will do it during the lecture.)
Note: In the practice, we will use a band calculation program called OpenMX.
Please refer to the Japanese manual below.
After Installation
Log in with
To enable the Japanese keyboard, type "setxkbmap -layout jp" in LXTerminal and press enter.
The example files that come with OpenMX are in /usr/share/openmx/work.
MateriApps Live (Old Information)
You can also use MateriAppsLive!
which is a Linux OS pre-installed with computational materials science applications, on your own PC.
In that case, follow the instructions in "Using MateriApps LIVE! on VirtualBox"
to install it on your PC's VirtualBox.
Refer to the slides below as well.
Also, refer to the slides below for the operation check.
- Related Links
- To run it on Windows or Mac, install VirtualBox from the link below
- Download the VirtualBox version of MateriApps LIVE!
To enable the Japanese keyboard, type "setxkbmap -layout jp" in LXTerminal and press enter.
The example files that come with OpenMX are in /usr/share/openmx/work.
OpenMX Manual
- English